Content Setup
Boulder has 2 WordPress Menu locations:
Primary Menu - this is your primary website menu which appears next to your website logo.
Mobile Menu - t...
Thu, 16 Apr, 2015 at 6:35 PM
Homepage Setup
If you've imported the demo xml, a series of homepages have already been created for you. To assign one to be your homepage:
Thu, 16 Apr, 2015 at 6:44 PM
Boulder has a number of different widget areas setup by default, including:
Left Sidebar Menu - displays widgets on pages created with the Default pag...
Thu, 16 Apr, 2015 at 7:07 PM
Using Layer Slider We're huge Layer Slider fans. We think it's the best WordPress slider plugin available. So we've also bundled that for you w...
Fri, 17 Apr, 2015 at 11:23 AM
Boulder ships with a number of pre-defined Page templates which make managing content that little bit easier, including:
Default template - this is th...
Fri, 17 Apr, 2015 at 11:41 AM
In addition to the specific page templates listed above, you'll notice Boulder ships with a lot of other types of pages with all sorts of goodies includ...
Fri, 17 Apr, 2015 at 11:47 AM
During the theme install process one of the plugins you should have installed is the CommerceGurus Toolkit. CommerceGurus Toolkit is a dedicated plugin crea...
Fri, 17 Apr, 2015 at 11:48 AM
We're going to look at the process of setting up Product Category Banners like this
NOTE: It's important to import the demo ...
Fri, 5 Jun, 2015 at 9:57 AM