Boulder ships with a number of pre-defined Page templates which make managing content that little bit easier, including:

  • Default template - this is the default WordPress page template. This page template includes a left sidebar which by default will display the contents of the "Sidebar" widget area.
  • Full width page - no sidebars on this one - just your page content..
  • Homepage - This is the same as the full width page but it doesn't show the page title as it's a homepage.
  • Right sidebar - similar to the Default template but with the sidebar on the right hand side.
  • Showcase:: 2 columns - A 2 column page template to display your Showcases/Portfolio items.
  • Showcase:: 3 columns - A 3 column page template to display your Showcases/Portfolio items.
  • Showcase:: 4 columns - A 4 column page template to display your Showcases/Portfolio items.
  • Testimonials archive - An archive page template for testimonials
  • WooCommerce page - this template should be assigned to your some of your WooCommerce pages like: Cart, Checkout and My Account.

Assigning a page template to a page

  • Go to Pages->Add new
  • In the right hand side you will see a "Page Attributes" area which has the "Template" dropdown.
  • Select a template from the dropdown.
  • Add your page content
  • Click Update/Publish

Show/Hide Page Title

You can also choose to show/hide your page title, e.g


We've built in support for WordPress SEO Breadcrumbs. To activate, first you'll need to install WordPress SEO. Then go to WordPress -> SEO -> Internal Links and apply the following settings.

Examples of other page templates in action