This tutorial is for people who have purchased Broker prior to version 1.1 and do not have the Projects page as part of their demo data.
1. First, update Broker to version 1.1.0 or above.
We have an update guide right here if you need to do this first.
Tools > Import - 'WordPress'
Install the importer plugin if necessary
Then, import the xml file at the bottom of this page. Download it first then browse to it and click import.
3. Then, go to Settings > Permalinks and click Save.
4. Next, enable Visual Composer for the Projects post type. This can be done in Visual Composer > Role Manager
5. Create a new page called Projects and assign it the 'Projects landing' template.
This is a container page which will hold our projects.
6. Next go to Projects > Categories and create a couple if none already exist. We'll allocate a project to one or more of these so that they can be filtered.
7. Finally go to Projects and review an example one from the demo data. Ensure that you assign it a Category and a Featured Image - this is what appears on the landing page.
If you have lots of projects it might be easier to duplicate an existing one and edit that rather than starting from scratch. I like the Clone Posts plugin which does this.