
Go to Appearance > Widgets and add a 'Custom HTML' widget to the Pages Sidebar.

Paste the following:

<img src="https://themedemo.commercegurus.com/broker/wp-content/uploads/sites/46/2015/10/n_lopez.png" alt="" class="testimonial-pic" />
<blockquote>My firm has been greatly helped by the excellent work from Broker, you won’t be disappointed.</blockquote>
<cite>Nadia Lopez — Heuston, Texas</cite>

Under CSS Classes, add boxed testimonials

You can upload a different image to the Media library and reference the path.

Our Brochure

Go to Appearance > Widgets and add a 'Custom HTML' widget to the Pages Sidebar.

Paste the following:

<p>View our 2018 financial prospectus brochure for an easy to read guide on all of the services offered.</p>
<p><a href="#" class="pdf">Download PDF</a></p>

Under CSS Classes, add boxed document